Here is a super simple art activity that both my daughter and my preschool students with special needs enjoy greatly!
Contact Paper Art
- Cut a piece of contact paper off the roll.
- Attach it to an easel or the fridge with clips. (sticky side facing out)
- Gather collage materials to stick to the contact paper.
- Stick away!!!
(Great hair day, I know!)
Most of my students have sensory aversions and my daughter just doesn't care to get her fingers sticky with glue (covered in mud is fine...just no glue...go figure???). Anyway, this activity just cuts out the step of using glue, but still allows the child to make an individualized masterpiece!
Some contact paper art themes we have done in the past:
nature walk collection
pink things
cut paper
odds & ends found around the house

I really like this idea! We will definitely try this project - thanks for sharing.